Day 2 and Day 3 (Valediction) of
National Conference at JCDV.
25 February, 2012
Pictures and Videos: Amar Singh
Jyani, GS Mann. (NEWS Report at the End of Pictures and Video below)

24th February
Watch SirsaNews Video: Valediction - National Conference at JCDV College of
Engineering 24-02-2012-Manjinder Singh 'Sirsa' Presides over.
For More Videos Visit:
23 February
24th February - Report of Day 3:
Valedictory Function of 4th National
Conference on “Recent Advances in
Engineering Technology and Environmental Issues (RAETE)” was
organized by Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Lal Memorial College of Engineering in auditorium
of JCD Vidyapeeth at 11.30am. There was also a technical session in the field
of Applied Science and Environment Engineering in the morning session of the Conference.
Dr. Vinod Kumar, Dean R& D JCDM College of Engineering and Dr. D.P. Gupta,
Director HCTM Kaithal were the Key note speakers for the session.
Dr. Smriti Monga
in her presentation compared the residual behaviour of Cypermethrin in Okra, Brinjal,
Cucurbitaceous crops and Cypermethrin (as an individual component) of the ready
mix formulations, Roket 44EC and Action- 505EC in Tomato fruits, following
spray application. Ms. Ritu presented her research paper on Artificial Neural Network in Relevance to
Molecular Sequence Analysis. She emphasized the
application of artificial neural networks in understanding life at the
molecular level as well as discussed design issues and current applications in
DNA/RNA and protein sequence analysis. Ms. Monika Kharab presented her
research paper on Flyash as a soil conditioner. Flyash improves the physical,
chemical and biological properties of the soil and enhance the plant growth as
well as productivity.
Later on in Valedictory ceremony Sh. Manjinder
Singh ‘Sirsa’, Municipal Councilor, Punjabi Bagh, Delhi was the Chief Guest of
the occasion and Guest of Honor was Mr. Satish Sati, Head Strategic Marketing,
TCS. The function was presided over by Dr. D.P.
Gupta, Director HCTM Kaithal. The Convener and
Principal JCDM College of Engineering Dr. Gurcharan Dass welcomed all the
guests and the participants. He also expressesd his gratitude to Dr. Shamim
Sharma, Managing Director JCD Vidyapeeth for her tremendous support and
guidance throughout the Conference.
Addressing the audience Dr. D.P. Gupta stated
that environmental problems are social constructions and hence it is task of
social scientists to try and comprehend how we construct, legitimize and
resolve environmental problems.
Mr. Satish Sati, who was Guest of Honor while addressing the audience marked
that the environment has always been a subject of great concern. Talking about
the issue he stressed on the need of thinking differently. “We cannot ignore
one subject and address the other, everything is inter-related and we need to
address all the issues very tactfully,” He also addressed on the need for
involving the youth in all the developmental process so as to make development
more sustainable. He advised the students to develop interactive skills and
logical thinking in them.
The Chief Guest Sh.
Manjinder Singh ‘Sirsa’ in his address said that the need of the hour is to
update the syllabi of the Engineering and Technical Institutes keeping in view
the needs of the environmental improvement in modern age. He also congratulated
the organizers for organizing the conference on the theme of advances in
Engineering, Technology and Environmental issues.
"I thought the conference was a fantastic
opportunity for us to know more about global environmental concerns which will
impact livelihood and economies. As a nation, we are growing and so is our
share of total carbon emissions. There’s a need to build awareness and spread
the word of adaptation and mitigation for tackling the catastrophe," said
Dr. Shamim Sharma, Managing Director, JCD Vidyapeeth, Sirsa. She also
appreciated the hard work behind this conference to make it a successful event.
The certificates were distributed to the participants by the Chief Guest at the
end of Valedictory function. The Keynote speakers for the technical sessions
also appreciated the research work presented by the researchers in their
concerned field. About 65 research papers and 65 posters were presented in 3
day National Conference. Team of Sanmeet & Rekha won the first prize in
Poster Presentation, team of Ram Parkash & Pawan were the winners of second
prize and team of Reena & Pritika were selected for third place.
Fourth Edition of Quarterly magazine of JCD
Vidyapeeth, JCD Times was also released by Chief Guest on this occasion.
At the end a Vote of thanks was given by Er.
Sukhdeep Kaur, Co-convener RAETE and HOD ECE.
Dr. N.S. Bhal, Senior advisor cum Chief
co-coordinator JCDM College of Engineering, Dr. Ram Murti Goyal, DTPO JCD
Vidyapeeth, Mr. G.L. Garg, Assistant Registrar, JCDM College of Engineering,
Principals of all the colleges of Vidyapeeth, faculty and students were also
present to grace the occasion.
23rd February - Report of Day-2:
On 23rd Feb three sessions of
National Conference on paper presentation were in schedule in morning session
research papers from ECE and EEE were presented and in the evening session the
papers in the field of Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering were
presented. Dr. Rajesh Khanna, Prof & Head (ECE) Thapar University, Patiala
was the session chair person for ECE and Dr. HNP Srivastva, Prof. EEE JCDM
College of Engineering was the session Chair Person for EEE. Dr. N.S. Bhal, Senior
Advisor of JCD Engineering college was the session chair person for sessions of
Mechanical Engineering and Civil Engineering.
In first
session of ECE, Mr. Vineet Saini and Mr. Pankaj Kaushik jointly
presented their research paper. They compared the performance of Sobel and
Canny edge detectors and proposed better solution for feature extraction in
CBIR also proposed the adaptation and optimization of two edge detector
algorithms used for feature set extraction in CBIR. The Canny edge
detection algorithm performs better than Sobel edge detection with compromise
of time. Mr. Krishan Kumar presented his research paper on Investigation on Heptagonal Structure
Microstrip Antenna for operation in the X-Band Communication Applications. Mr.
Shipra Sardana explained the general
principles of hiding secret information in Audio Signals. Mr. Subhash Sharma and Ms. Prerna Bisht jointly summarized some of the
most recent emerging nano materials and nanotechnologies such as nano tubes,
nano wires and nano ribbons and their implementations in the energy efficient
VLSI digital application. Mr. Karan Dutta also presented his paper on Nanotechnology. Mr. Vineet Saini
proposed the adaptation and optimization of two edge detector algorithms used
for feature set extraction in CBIR. Mr. Amit Singh presented the effects
and applications of Quantum Dots. Mr. Yogesh Muneja explained the
various facts and security issues in using social networking site Facebook.
In second session, Pankaj Sharma compared the
various optimization techniques for load flow analysis. Mr. Rakesh Kumar, Mr.
Vishavdeep Jindal and Ms Rama Aggarwal also presented their
papers in morning session.
Dr. Rajesh Khanna appreciated the research work
presented by research scholars and advised the students to update their
knowledge with day to day advances in the field of engineering and technology.
The evening
session was started by a talk on “Mine waste Disposal Techniques for the
protection of Environment”. The Key note speaker was Dr. Surendra Roy,
Scientist in Environmental Engineering Department from National Institute of
Rock Mechanics, Ministry Of Mines, Karnataka . Mining
wastes include waste generated during the extraction, beneficiation, and
processing of minerals. Most extraction and beneficiation wastes from hardrock
mining (the mining of metallic ores and phosphate rock) and 20 specific mineral
processing wastes are categorized by EPA as "special wastes" and have
been exempted by the Mining Waste Exclusion from federal hazardous waste
regulations under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
Later on
Research papers from Mechanical Engineering were presented by researchers. Er
Sachin Bansal presented
the technique of Ultrasonic Machining and its Process Parameters. Mr. Manjeet Singh presented the Process
Capabilities of Abrasive Water Jet Cutting (AWJC) Process.
Dr. Ashwani Dhingra, in his Keynote address emphasized that in post
industrial society, technology is a fatal attraction as in one instance it is
source of environmental damage and on the other hand is also helpful in
repairing the damage.
H.N.P Srivastva said that our infrastructure, economy, health, safety and
indeed our entire environment are dependent on scientific and technological
innovation, which is directly supported by engineering education. Dr. Shamim
Sharma, Managing Director JCD Vidyapeeth emphasized that the changing
demographics and socio-economic landscapes worldwide, globalization, and
rapidly evolving technologies have increased the importance of engineering in
the 21st century and the need for innovative and sustainable solutions.
Engineering educators, therefore, are challenged to adapt their courses,
programs and pedagogies to address these changes. Dr. Gurcharan Dass, Principal
JCDM College of Engineering welcomed all the guests and participants presented
in session.
About 25 research
papers from various fields of engineering and technology were presented in the
2nd day of National conference. On this occasion
large number of students and faculty members were also present and got
acquainted with the latest advances in the field of engineering and technology.
How the various stream of engineering can work together to solve the issues in
environmental degradation, was the main topic of discussion among the
scientists present in the conference.
There was also an exhibition of
poster presentation organized in Reading Hall of Library in evening session.
Students from all the braches took part in poster presentation and explained
the concepts behind their respective poster. About 50 posters were displayed in
the exhibition.
Report/Release: Niyati
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