Sunday, September 27, 2015

Inqalab Prabhat Feri on Birth Anniversary of Shahid Bhagat Singh

Inqalab Prabhat Feri taken out in Sirsa on Birth Anniversary of Shahid Bhagat Singh
27 September, 2015
Pictures and Videos: Amar Singh Jyani, GS Mann, Background Music: Murari Verma.
Watch Video: Inqalab Prabhat Feri taken out in Sirsa on Birth Anniversary of Shahid Bhagat Singh
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Punjabi Satkar Sabha, Tarun Sangh and 3 other social organisations took out an innovative version of typical Prabhat Feri in early morning of 27 Sept 2015 to commemorate the Birth Anniversary of Shahid Bhagat Singh. The Prabhat Feri named as Shahid Bhagat Singh Jayanti Inqalab Prabhat Feri Sirsa started at 6:15AM from Durga Mandir Chowk of B-Block and concluded at Bhagat Singh Park after passing through various streets, colonies and Bazar of city. The concept of ‘Inqalab Prabhat Feri’ was brain child of Pardeep Sachdeva and Sukhdev Dhillon of Punjabi Satkar Sabha Sirsa.   लाडले शहीद भगत सिंह की याद में निकली इंकलाबी प्रभात फेरी -  पांच जन संगठनों की पहल पर सांझे तौर पर मना क्रन्तिकारी शहीद का जन्मदिवस  सिरसा,शहीद -ए -आज़म भगत सिंह के जन्मदिवस पर आज पहली बार तड़के पांच जनसंगठनों द्वारा सांझी इंकलाबी प्रभात फेरी निकली गयी जिसमे सैंकड़ों पुरुषों,महिलाओं और बच्चों ने भाग लिया। सुबह सी एम के कॉलेज रोड स्थित चौक से शुरू हुई इस अनूठी प्रभात फेरी में जब दर्जनों नौजवान शहीदों के प्रिय बसंती रंग की पगड़ियाँ पहन कर निकले तो अलग ही समां बंध गया। सिरसा विकास मोर्चा, शहीद यादगार मंच,जनवादी नौजवान सभा,पंजाबी सत्कार सभा और देशभक्त यादगार लोक केंद्र द्वारा आयोजित यह इंकलाबी प्रभात फेरी दुर्गा मंदिर चौक से बी ब्लॉक,सी ब्लॉक,इन्द्रपुरी मोहल्ला,शिव चौक,जगदेव सिंह चौक,सुभाष चौक,भगत सिंहचौक ,घंटा घर चौक होते हुए शहीद भगत सिंह पार्क पहुंची। शहीद भगत सिंह के प्रिय इन्क्लाब ज़िंदाबाद के गगनचुम्बी उद्घोषशों के साथ चलती हुई इस प्रभात फेरी में सैंकड़ों लोगों ने भगत सिंह के चित्र से सजे वाहन के पास आ कर उन्हें अपनी और से श्रद्धासुमन अर्पित किये। फेरी के दौरान इसमें शामिल लोगों ने शहीद जगदेव सिंह,नेताजी सुभाष चन्द्र बोस,शहीद भगत सिंह -राजगुरु और सुखदेव की प्रतिमाओं पर पुष्प अर्पित करके अपनी और से श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। शहीद भगत सिंह के विचारों को घर -घर तक पहुचने का संकल्प लेकर निकली गयी इस प्रभात फेरी में उनके जीवन पर विशेष तौर पर प्रकशित पुस्तिका का वितरण भी बड़े स्तर पर किया गया। प्रभात फेरी के दौरान जगह - जगह नुक्कड़ सभायें भी हुई जिन्हें संयोजक प्रदीप सचदेवा,हरविंदर सिंह,परमाननद शास्त्री,टोनी सागू,चेतन मेहता,पंकज कामरा,पुरषोतम शास्त्री ,गुरबक्श मोंगा आदि ने सम्बोधित किया और लोगों को भगत सिंह की विचारधारा और जीवन के बारे में परिचित करवाया। इस अवसर पर हैप्पी बक्शी,सुभाष चुघ,राकेश जैन,नवदीप धुडिया,पुष्पिंदर खट्टर,सतीश गुप्ता,सुरेश मेहता सरपंच,बिट्टू मेहता,पप्पी गिरधर,विनोद मेहता,रजत कामरा,चिमन पंजाबी,सुभाष मक्कड़,जस्सी सागू,हरबंस कामरा,अनीता सचदेवा,दर्शना मेहता,नीलम,वर्षा,वंदना मक्कड़, सुषमा, ममता,रेनू ,मीतू,सुनीता सचदेवा,शीनू,सोनियां चानना और हिमानी सहित सैंकड़ों उपस्थित थे।

Saturday, September 05, 2015

Noble tasks of teachers - Dr. TN Chugh

Noble tasks of teachers in independent India - Dr. TN Chugh.
05 September, 2015
Pictures and Videos: Amar Singh Jyani, GS Mann, Background Music: Murari Verma.
It is a glorious aspect of dignity in India to celebrate the auspicious birthday of a supreme and honorable person as Teacher’s day. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan decorated the post of first Vice president of India in 1952 and later on, he accepted the coronation of president with effect from 1962. He expressed regards and gratitude when our countrymen wished to celebrate his sacred birthday of 5th September, as Teacher’s Day. He conveyed heartiest felicitations to all the teachers at global level. Our main objective is to make the people realize the virtuous benefits of education and the educator to acquire good habits, strong character, amiable behavior, adorable personality, adopt righteous principles of humanity, gain the esteemed status of devoted citizen, involve the prosperity of society and civilization.
Noble tasks of Teachers in independent India:
Education curriculum and system should be so refined that it inspires the progress and personality development of students. The needs, situations and environment keep on changing with time therefore, teachers have to improve upon their concepts and style. The adorable teachers have to acquire the qualities of mother, father, philosopher, guide and even friends. Although, the system of education varies with primary, secondary, college or university level; rural or urban area; boys or girls etc., but even then the people in general, wish that teachers and teaching should possess following qualities for achieving the desired success:
Evolution of skill abilities:
Gather knowledge in addition to reading and writing; acquire practical skill; learn and analyze about facts; ability for truthful inspection; develop qualities for  deriving conclusions; genuine imaginations; capabilities to express pure thoughts; develop innovative ideas so as to acquire research abilities; develop skill for narration, discussion with convictions and proper expressive language.
Progress of good habits, strong character and pleasing behavior:
Understand the materialistic and social incidents with changing situations and time; develop capabilities to face initial problems; qualities to focus on thinking and share the views; tolerate upon the healthy criticism of personal thoughts; ability to acquire the righteous principles of knowledge, health, safe atmosphere progress and prosperity; to analyze upon personal aspects of strength and shortcomings; develop fair and trustworthy feelings; fruitful management and utilization of time; rely upon self confidence and function without any fear; recognize good friends and avoid the company of wicked persons; always take healthy and vegetarian diet; discard evil actions of intoxications, smoking, theft, gambling, dishonesty, hatred, falsehood and bribery; concentrate on attention and avoid tension; learn that smile goes miles.
Development of Positive Aspects of Good Citizenship:
Recognize the importance of independent and progressing nation; develop regards for different castes, religions, languages and provinces; provide all possible help to distressed and needy persons; pay full respect to social and cultural aspects of civilization; work with devotion for prosperity of nation; resolve all conflicts or differences on congenial friendly basis; maintain honor for national flag, national anthem and national language; promote national integration; complimentary feelings with foreigners and brotherly relations with international community; possess tolerance and open mindedness.
Develop Grace as an Efficient Performer:
Acquire skill and excellence to work with full dedication to achieve expected success; always function with steadiness, patience and perseverance; give and take co-operation when required; save time and materials; promote scientific positive attitude; work in a systematic and planned manner to fulfill the desired objectives; try to excel others in studies, sports and cultural activities; introduce different evolutionary devices; make proper use Electronic, audio-visual devices, when required.
Emancipation of self confidence and moral strength:
Develop positive thoughts; perform righteous actions and rely upon amiable behavior; seek initiation of God Words through perfect saint who can act as mentor and guide for spiritual elevation; spare time for prayers and meditation; devote time and efforts for the voluntary welfare services for mankind and nation; develop reverence for parents, elders and adorable teachers; always acquire chastity and avoid illicit relations; possess mental peace, freedom, deliverance and spiritual emancipation which are essential aspects of every virtuous person.
Good qualities are required for every citizen but these are considered essential for prominent teachers. Although, the teachers face personal, family, political and religious problems, is according to the changes in time and situations. New circumstances, sometimes, create hindrances in possessing and displaying excellent features.
 Certain new aspects of difficulties are also being observed, for instance, shortage of seating arrangements in schools, lack of proper drinking water facilities and toilets; indifferent and cruel attitude certain teachers; lack of tenderness; exploitation of students; political interference in the working of educational institutions and other likewise situations. These problems can easily be resolved through co-ordination of eminent social workers.
Teachers do command honor and respect due to their excellent performances. All the students and guardians should confer gratitude for their contributions. Thus heartiest regards can earn the desire improvements, progress and prosperity to our society.
The supreme literary contributions as an eminent writer, eloquent orator and outstanding statesman of most adorable Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan could provide great eminence to our nation. As per his admirable versions, education is capable to bless peace and prosperity in the universe. Honorable, experienced and qualified teachers become responsible to motivate the righteous achievements. Dr. Radhakrishnan was honored with the most prestigious award of “Bharat Rattan” much before joining as President for his devotional style of submission to the students. Since then 5th September is celebrated as auspicious Teachers Day. 
This sacred day represents the reverence, faith and regards for the teachers.
Heartiest Congratulations! Cordial Felicitations!
Contributed by: Dr. Triloki Nath Chugh.
The writer is an eminent former Professor of Zoology, he has more than 3 decades of teaching experience in various colleges of KUK and is presently Co-ordinator, Shah Satnam Ji Educational Institutions, DSS, Sirsa.