SIRSA NEWS ( www.SirsaNews.com )
01 August, 2010
All pictures can be mouse clicked to enlarge. Pictures & Videos: Amar Singh Jyani, Amit Soni, GS Mann
Video of Wheat rotting and officials in motorboat at the end of the post.
THE HSWC (HARYANA STATE WAREHOUSING CORPORATION) has contested vehemently the allegations leveled by the Dist. Sirsa administration that had the HSWC had taken timely and quick action as many as 8500 MTs of Wheat, which were damaged due to floods in village Bani of the district, could have been saved. In a strongly worded Press release issued here today by ML. Verma the district Sirsa Manager of the HSWC, it has been asserted that the district Administration miserably failed to intimate the public through any announcement nor any statement was issued through the Print or the Electronic Media to caution the public in time to save their belongings etc. To support his assertion he maintains that even the Schools, the State Dispensary and all other Govt. offices functioned at Bani village till July 16 and Majority of the village residents evacuated their goods and animal stock on Saturday (July 17 He also quotes that even the PNB branch in the village functioned till July 16 and shifted its documents and computers etc. on July 17 as they were informed by the Tehsildar on 5 pm on July about the expected flood waters in the village. He has further averred that he was intimated about the impending danger of the floods only on July 16 late in the evening by the District Administration, after which he took all the possible steps to save the Wheat by raising additional wall around the Godowns and also made frantic efforts and could save only 216 MTs of wheat by shifting it to safer place due to logistic problems in the area. He has further stated that “had the district Administration acted in time and visualized the situation the breaches in Ghaggar river could have been plugged immediately on July 15, which could have caused only a fraction of damage to the property of the residents and the Wheat stocks. But the District Administration failed to visualize the situation and plugged the breaches on July 19 ie. after a gap of 6 days which allowed the waters to flow untamed and marooned many villages of the district. He has also alleged that the district administrion reacted very late and decided only on July 22 to siphon off the accumulated water back Ghaggar in village Thehar Shahidaawali near the Rajasthan Canal He maintains that had the District administration visualized the situation, it could have straightway made a cut in the Bandh in village Thehar Shahidanwali on on July 15 which could have saved hundreds of houses and also the wheat stocks at village Bani. However all efforts to contact Deputy failed.
Video of Wheat rotting and officials in motorboat
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