31 March, 2009
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Public Meeting and Press Conference of OP Chauatala held at Village Jamaal, tours a dozen villages there after.
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Click here to know more about SKAT
Inputs from http://www.sirsanews.com/ How the color smoke is formed in such Aerobatic Planes:
The smoke trails left by the aerobatic aeroplanes are made by releasing diesel into the exhaust; this oxidises straight away, leaving a white smoke trail, Dyes are added to produce the different colours. The diesel is stored perhaps in the pod on the underside of the plane; originally designed to carry a cannon, it houses three tanks: 1 for pure diesel for white trail and two tanks of green- and red-dyed diesel. The smoke system uses about ten gallons per minute; therefore each plane can trail smoke for a total of several minutes.
Mr. GS Bedi Group Captain IAF informed media in a press conference held at IAF Station Sirsa that for the people of Sirsa and surroundings a spectacular Aerobatics show by the IAF Surya Kiran team shall be displayed on 27th March 2009, at IAF Sirsa Station from 7:30AM onwards. The show is free to general public and has no hassles of entry passes etc.
Mr. Bedi informed that the Surya Kiran Aerobatic Team (SKAT) that was formed in 1996 is the only one of its kind in India and is perhaps one of the best teams of the world.
Mr. Bedi requested that the visitors should not bring in eatables of any sort to the Airforce station to avoid bird hits, he informed that the use of cell phones, firearms, cameras and other electronic gadgets are not allowed at the IAF Campus. Click here to To know more about SuryaKirans
“Students, parents and teachers are welcome to send their responses, drawings and other teaching & creative work for being displayed on the website, though it may take some time to put in this all on the web site.” Ravi informed SirsaNews.com
Upcoming News
Website review: Educational Torch Website of Ravi Posh
Lions Club Meeting
Imposter IPS Officer Held, dupes Aggarwal Girl.
20 March, 2009
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A Sirsa based conman identified as Abhishek Sharma S/o Sh. S.S. Sharma, a peon in the Income Tax Department was today held by Sirsa Police on 18th March for allegedly posing and flaunting himself as an IPS Officer and cheating people. SHO. Sirsa police station, Ajay Sharma told that on the basis of a complaint filed by the accused’s wife a criminal case of rape and cheating under sections376, 420,467,468,471 and 120B of the IPC have been registered against the accused. According to reports the accused along with another Abhishek Sharma of Jaipur took the Central Services Examination held by the Union Public Service Commission in 2004. Abhishek of Jaipur was selected and got his posting as an IRS (Indian Revenue Services) Officer whereas the accused failed.
Abhishek of Jaipur wanted to become an IPS officer and sat in the examination held in 2006 and so did the accused. Once again the fate deceived the accused but his name sake from Jaipur was selected and was placed at no. 225 in the merit, but he preferred to stay put in the IRS cadre. The accused however fraudulently took advantage of his name sakes’s selection in the 2006 batch and declared himself as being selected as an IPS Officer. So much so that the accused got him honored as an IPS Officer by various NGO’s at Sirsa and elsewhere. He also allegedly exploited his “position” in seeking matrimonial alliance in a respectable Aggarwal family of Sirsa. His wife was horrified when the reality dawned upon her and filed a complaint with the police. The accused was produced in the court which sent him on one day’s police remand today.
Report Dr. OP Bansal.
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Punjabis should assert themselves- Amir Chawla; Punjabi Bhaicahara Manch -Milan Samaroh on 15th at SURKHAB
14 March, 2009
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Sh. Amir Chawla informed the press and media today at a PC at Hotel Jai Villas yesterday that Punjabi Parivaar Milan Samaroh shall be held under the banner of newly formed Punjabi Bhaicahara Manch on 15th March 2009 at Surkhab Tourist Complex.
He said of suffering miseries of partition in 1947, the migrant Punjabis worked hard to re-establish themselves in the mainstream society of free India Punjab, but the yet another division of 1966 when Haryana was formed had again left them in quicksand. He said the Punjabis who are known for their intelligence and hard work world wide are ignored in their very own country’s Haryana state.
The Samaroh on 15th March shall highlight the plight of the Punjabis and a future course of action shall be decided.
Punjabi leaders Pardeep Mehta, RK Mehta, Krishan Gumber, Ramesh Mehta Advocate, Gurdayal Mehta, etc. were present.
With the initiative taken by SHO City Mr. Ajay Sharma and cooperation of Superintendent Distt. Jail Sirsa, Mr. JS Sethi, a Raam Naam Lekhan project of imbibing spirituality in Jail inmates was started yesterday.
Talking to SirsaNews Mr Ajay Sahrma & Mr. JS Sethi said that this will also help ease the agony of the inmates that cannot be avoided during jail period, the isolation from family, friends and society does bear marks on the psyche of any inmate.
Click on Links below for earlier NEWS on Sirsa Jail:
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